Will You Benefit from Clip-in Extensions?
The one drawback of changing up your hairstyle is there is often no going back if you don’t like what you and your hairstylist create! You’ve learned the hard way that highlights, lowlights, and all-over colors are not only super permanent but can also seriously damage your hair.
And if you’ve ever taken the plunge and chopped off your luscious locks, then you know the pang of regret well.
Quick Access
But never let fear or regret get in the way of achieving the hairstyle that you’ve always wanted. The best way to give yourself a makeover without all the commitment is by using clip-in hair extensions.
Easy for Beginners
The more complicated hair extensions methods like fusion or micro loop may not be for you. They require a massive time commitment that can have you spending most of your day at the salon.
Clip-in hair extensions are so easy to apply that almost anyone can put them in without external help. Even if you’ve never worn extensions, you will be able to add length and color to your hair in a few simple steps.
No Tools or Tape
Did we mention spending a lot of time at the salon? To apply for clip-in extensions, you don’t need any fancy tools, goopy glues, heat, or sticky tape! Everything you need is at your disposal, built-in to the extension itself.
Easy to Install
All you need to do is part and separate your hair, push in the extension, attach the weft with a small comb, and snap the clip down. That’s it! Nothing complicated about it.
Easy to Remove
When you’re ready for another change, these extensions are also very easy to remove. Simply locate the weft, separate the hair into sections, press, and unclip them. It’s similar to applying the clip-in but in reverse.
Instantly Add Hair Length
Here is the best thing about clip-in hair extensions: you can achieve a wide range of popular, unique hairstyles without visiting an expensive salon. If you’ve ever wanted your hair to grow long and luscious overnight only to wake up with your hair still short, then clip-in extensions can help you achieve a longer look. These extensions add inches of length to your hair in mere minutes.
Perfect for Special Occasions
Clip-in extensions can be used to achieve all sorts of fancy up-dos and braids for those special occasions. When you want your hair to look stunning, look to a clip-in hair extension to impress when your natural hair just won’t cut it.
Most clip-in extensions are made with real, human hair to look completely natural, and they come in various colors so that you can match your hair color perfectly! Once applied and blended in with your natural hair, no one can tell that you have extensions in.
Add Color
Clip-in extensions also allow you to experiment with all the latest hair trends.
You’ve longed for ombre highlights but haven’t worked up the nerve to go for it yet! With extensions, you can take the risk without any of the commitments. Clip-in extensions can give you that perfectly blended brown-to-blonde ombre look in no time.
Affordable Hair Extensions
Clip-in hair extensions are the most affordable type of extensions on the market. Because you can easily apply them yourself, you won’t waste hundreds of dollars at the salon or with other hair extension treatments.
Goodbye Damage
Another great thing about clip-in extensions is that they should never damage your hair when applied properly.
Proper Lasting – Long Lasting
By caring for your extensions, you can also make them last for a long time. Gently brushing and washing them will ensure that they always look fresh, clean, and healthy. A good set of clip-in extensions can last over six months.
Comfortable Hair Extensions
With clip-in extensions, you will never have to worry about any tight or uncomfortable feelings. After you’ve had them in for a few hours, you will completely forget that they are even there.
What to Consider Before Trying Clip-In Hair Extensions?
Clip-in hair extensions are growing in popularity. They are easy to use and a quick way to add a boost of length, volume, or a temporary pop of color to your hair.
However, these types of hair extensions are not for everyone. Clip-in extensions are great for events, a splash of color, or short-term use and may not be the product you’re looking for if your hair needs extra attention or you want a long-term solution.
Clip-In Hair Extensions are Not Permanent
Clip-ins are great for a short-term change, but they do not offer a permanent solution. They require additional, regular care. For those looking for cheap hair extensions that do not involve removing and re-applying regularly, clip-in hair extensions may not meet your specific needs. Several alternative options are available, including U-tip hair extensions, I-tip hair extensions, micro loop hair extensions or tape-in hair extensions. Each of these options offers a longer-lasting hair solution.
Take a Good Care
While there is not a lot of work involved in caring for your clip-in extensions, some daily maintenance is necessary to keep them looking great and ready for use. The hairpieces should be brushed with each use and washed with a mild shampoo. Leave-in conditioners and detanglers may also be necessary. And the pieces should be stored on a flat, dry surface, away from direct sunlight – preferably in a moisture-proof case.
You Need to Attach Clip-in Hair Extensions Correctly
Clip-in hair extensions that are not attached correctly could end up falling out at some point throughout the day. To prevent this, ensure you or a stylist securely attach wefts before leaving the house. Try not to pull on them while you are wearing them.
Short Hair Can Be a Challenge for Clip-Ins
People with shorter hair can have a hard time wearing clip-in extensions. The clips may become visible, and length matching is crucial for short hair extension users.
Clip-in Hair Extensions May Weigh Too Much
This type of hair extension may cause tugging and pull-out hair if you overuse them or try heavier clip-ins. The weight can cause an undue pull on existing, natural hair on the scalp. This is especially true for people with fine or thinning hair.
While clip-in hair extensions are a great accessory to have for a big night out, you should not use them for days. Instead, you may want to consider other extension options. If these drawbacks aren’t a concern, browse Airy Hair’s array of clip-in hair extensions and find the right one for your hair type.